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What is coronavirus?


The World Health Organisation (WHO) has announced the outbreak of a new virus named as Corona Virus which was founded in Wuhan, China and spread globally among all the countries. The global death rate due to this virus has crossed the 257K and more than 7.41 million cases of the corona were detected. On the global scale, 1.2M and more people recovered from this dangerous disease.

What is CoronaVirus?

WHO states that the Coronavirus is the family of virus which causes a series of sickness among human beings starting from the common cold to severe diseases such as:
  • SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)
  • MERS(Middle East Respiratory Disorder)
This virus is named like this because of its shape of crown with protrusion around it.
This virus is found in animals and can also be transmitted from animals to humans. But some of the coronaviruses has not yet spread among humans. The coronavirus which infects human beings is named as COVID19.

Symptoms: The major symptoms of the virus include cold, cough, fever and difficulty in breathing. The severity of this virus causes pneumonia, failure of organs and death. The gestation period of COVID19 is considered between 1 and 14 days. This virus is endemic before the appearance of its symptoms, as a result, it spread out at high level among people at very fast speed. Also, the symptoms are not apparent among the patients infected due to this virus.

How did it occur?
According the investigation of WHO and Chinese Health Authorities the recent outbreak of this virus is detected to be caused due to the illegal sale of wildlife as seafood in the Central Chinese city of Wuhan, China. In February, the Chinese researchers found the cause of transmission of this virus from animals to humans due to smuggling of pangolins which are prized in Asia for medicines and food. Bats and Snakes are also taken into account as the source of spread out of this virus.

The basic precautions of hygiene to be suggested by WHO are as follows:
  • Proper and regular hand wash with soap and water.
  • Use of masks on the mouth
  • Wearing of gloves
  • Avoid the direct contact with each other like a handshake.
  • Cover up of mouth with an elbow, while coughing and sneezing
  • Keep a sanitizer all the time with yourself.
  • Stay at home
  • Maintenance of the distance of at least 6 ft between two persons (Social Distancing)
  • Avoidance unnecessary touching of animals
How is India responding to this outbreak?
India has started the monitoring of travellers coming to India from different foreign countries. If anyone of them detected to be positive with the virus is kept in isolation and are treated properly.

The government of India divided the cities of the whole nation on the colour bases as per the level of infection into a particular area.
Red Zone: Infection hotspot
Orange Zone: some infection
Green Zone: no infection

The six major cities of India are designated under the Red zone area which are Delhi, Mumbai, Banglore, Chennai, Kolkata, Hyderabad. There is no designation of the Green Zone. Instead of these, 170 districts are also positioned in this zone.
 The government planned to take steps to find out the cases and test the people on a regular basis to bring out these areas into the orange zone and then the green zone.
  The health ministry stated that if there will be no case of virus for 28 days in a particular area it will be named as orange zone and in this zone no detection of virus for 14 days lead to Green zone.

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